Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contacts

Here you can find emergency contact details relevant during your stay at
The Townhouse and in Copenhagen.

Here you can find emergency contact details relevant during your stay at The Townhouse and in Copenhagen.

The Townhouse Location

The Townhouse Location


Helsinkigade 6A,

2150 Nordhavn,


Click here to open maps.

Contact your host

Contact your host

Name: Lucas Wittrup

Phone: +45 60 37 32 02

WhatsApp: +45 60 37 32 02

or write directly on AirBNB.

Urgent Emergency

Urgent Emergency

Call 112 in case of urgent emergencies.

Use this number for fires, ambulances, accidents or police.


Healthcare Emergencies

Healthcare Emergencies

Call +45 1813 in the case of non-lethal emergencies.

Nurses will offer assistance and guide you to the nearest hospital.


Nearest Hospital

Nearest Hospital

Please call +45 1813 before going to a hospital, as the nurses on the line will direct you to the nearest, and most relevant/available hospital.

Most major hospitals are max a 10-15 minute drive from The Townhouse.

Nearest Police Station

Nearest Police Station

Call 112 to get in contact with the police.

Call before you visit the police station.